Sunday, 23 October 2011

This is the land that rumbles - now is our time

Kapa o pango

Let us become one with the land, hi aue hi!
This is the land that rumbles
And it's my time! It's my moment!
This defines us as All Blacks
It's my time! It's my moment! I ahaha!
Our dominance, our supremacy will triumph
And will be placed on high
Silver fern! All Blacks!
Silver fern! All Blacks!

Kapa o pango kia whakawhenua au i ahau! I ahau! Hi aue, hi!
Ko Aotearoa e ngunguru nei! au, au, aue ha!
Ko kapa o Pango e ngunguru nei! au, au, aue ha!
I ahaha!
Ka tu te ihiihi Ka tu te wanawana
Ki runga ki te rangi e tu iho nei, tu iho nei, hi!
Ponga ra! Kapa o Pango, aue hi!
Ponga ra! Kapa o Pango, aue hi, ha!


Nursedude said...

Yeah well, this is one Yank sitting in Delaware hoping that the All Blacks smoke France.

Mark said...

Great one! very motivating!

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